Arctic Alert

A new invasion now threatens this sparsely populated land.  Those hungry for its wealth of minerals, tempted by fossil fuel or seeking strategic access for shipping and polar defense are all eager to rush in... 

Hong Kong Upheaval

After five months of ongoing street protests, the momentum has shifted. Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement has made major gains in the Chinese territory's district council elections...

Weekly Review Nov 9

WHY QUIT CLIMATE ACCORD? – Trump has given the UN notice. SEA LEVELS RISING – A challenge to human civilization. UK CREDIT RATINGS – Projected downgrade to "negative".

Lebanon Awakening

Lebanon’s political system's designated ethnic roles has it forever locked into partial paralysis. Popular uprisings that began in October mark a major turning point in the country’s history...

The Butterfly Effect

Anything refreshingly straightforward in life can be equally perplexing.  Rather than seeing things as they are, we see them as we are.  So, unhappy people might believe any change has to be for the better...

Bolivian Election

Rural Bolivia is primarily inhabited by an indigenous population. After Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president was overthrown, a vicious conflict erupted throughout the country...

No Allies, No Friends

Today’s post-WWII world was built on a cornerstone of defense treaties and free-trade pacts.  Strength grew from alliances for common goals.  It has been quite reckless to cast all this aside...

Columbine Revisited

Twenty years, four months, and twenty-five days ago, a tragedy occurred. Our country watched in horror, as fifteen people died and twenty-four were wounded. Everyone's life was in shambles...

Save The Endangered

The Endangered Species Act not only protects nature but helps nurture threatened species.  But the current administration has begun to strip away protection for so many incredible forms of life...

Hate Crime Epidemic

Although times have changed, the underlying philosophical thread that serves to assume we hate because we fear or because we believe to be victims of our own version of history remains timeless...

American Education

The American education system fails to ensure academic achievement in comparison to other major nations in the world... Among the 35 members of the OECD, the U.S. ranked 30th in math... 

Climate Crisis 451

Europe's all-time temperatures have peaked across France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Yet, despite this concrete evidence, the aid to fight against climate change remains infrequent and scarce...