East to the Sun

We were arrogant, ignorant, totally unprepared.  Disaster struck hard.  We let it.  Shame on us.  Narcissism, greed and selfishness took over. Fools ruled. Never again. No looking back.

this is recovering

Eating disorders are tricky. They camp at the intersection of body and mind: a mental illness with potentially life-threatening consequences. With anorexia... sickly weight loss is but the tip of the iceberg.

environmental impact

At the beginning of the pandemic, the shift in human activity was dramatic. Cars were off the road, people stayed home, and the world was quiet. Our water and air quality improvement was a borderline miracle.

Digital Darkness

In mid-December, one of America’s largest hacks on record occurred . The U.S. Treasury and Department of Defense reported an attack-of-unknown-magnitude on their servers and data centers.

A Quarantine Diary

At the beginning of quarantine, my diary was full of to-do lists.  For example: No 4 PM disaster nap!; Read 1 hour; Something artsy 1 hour; Stats problems 1, 2. All dutifully crossed off except... 

our 2020 favorites

Our editors found R.B.G. A TRIBUTE, POVs BIENVENUE and DREAM OR ILLUSION particularly worthy of revisiting. Each article reflects a fresh view of events, perspectives and/or opinion.

Coral Dilemma

Fiery Cross Island, a manmade outpost in the South China Sea, serves as home to a complex military installation with high-end radar and missile defense systems and a small platoon of Chinese servicemen.

Black Solidarity

To drink from the plastic bag, it meant to put its tip to my mouth, bring my two front teeth to bite. Then to face its test of gravity meant accountability: hugging the bag to your mouth, so as not to spare a drop.

Shattered Lens

A trail of fresh impressions scar the ash.  Two sets of footprints – one female, one male.  Ginny and I, the only two humans. Not another anywhere. Blood drips from a slight cut on my forehead.

Stop The Count

Stop the count of leaves in snow. Stop the count of sunbeams off the unfrozen river. It is still autumn, you fear what comes next. Stop the count of the dead and leave them in the street.

Burnished Figments

Halloween is fast approaching. I am a half-chewed bone and it is a salivating hound running me down. It is a besotted pigeon and I'm a dry, dry breadcrumb. So I run to the grocery store for a pumpkin.

Robotic Dreams

Cruising through another post-pandemic day.  I stopped counting.  Another 24 marked with measured caution.  Resembles life on another planet.  Or inhabiting an ever-evolving cosmos.