Int’l Dance Day

Despite my enduring exposure to this art form, however, I never actually had captured any on film. My previous experimentation had been limited to street photography, nature coverage and portraits shoots.


When in Accra, I would ask what Tamale was like, and the only response I ever received was: “It’s terribly hot there.” Most Ghanians, from the south, had actually never set foot in the north.

Crossroads Berlin

In 1984, Berlin was a city divided, a city still rebuilding from the war.  The democratic West existed as a landlocked island within communist East Germany. It was in fact two cities, two worlds, two lives.

Coffee Culture

I am no better than the many sleep-deprived college students as they embark on their daily pilgrimage to find caffeine. Coffee shops provide a familiar cozy background to students.

Back in Bohemia

Prague has always been a special place.  At the end of World War II, when the Allies' bombs destroyed Dresden, the west decided to save Prague.  The city thus survived and remained architecturally intact.


The Legon Campus is full of these massive and exacting concrete blocks, monstrous rectangular buildings that seem to dominate space and nature. Straight, uniform, and impersonal lines reign.

Greek Hour – pt4

Strefi hill is one of the most enlightened spots of Athens and if not for vertigo, an experience to have. Not an inch of duskiness left to spare, Athens takes it whole, the hills, the sky, even the clouds.

queerness in dance

Appealing to the audience’s expectations of what role each gender should play, much consideration was given to how a performance would be received rather than how it would feel.

Coastal Waters

Visiting Carmel, I grow nostalgic. Both Tor House and its tower are imposing structures built of solid stone. Robinson Jeffers, a renowned poet and environmentalist, lived and wrote there last century.

Ballet / Self Esteem

The growing pains of giving up a childhood passion is often a common casualty of coming into adulthood. From age three into high school, I was the “ballet kid.” Ballet provided me a sense of purpose.

Venezuela 101

Venezuela has been purposefully misunderstood to fit within frameworks. This a position that can be held regarding any country considered outside of traditional Western culture and history.

Writers Are People

A writer naturally befriends other writers.  Goes with the territory.  Personally, I always enjoy these relationships.  Share a little, learn a lot. I can’t recall feeling challenged by others who write.