After My Fall
R. Levin | 08/24/2021

Today, the outside I see appears hazy. Plain and simple. Misty with an occasional blast of drizzle.  I pretend I’m elsewhere. I want to change everything but my thoughts remain...

French Identity – pt.2
Caroline Levin | 08/19/2021

France, the country, increasingly looks different. With a non-white population taking up more visibility than a couple decades back, questions are being raised concerning what French identity means.

Afghan Withdrawal
Elijah Glantz | 08/07/2021

The American War in Afghanistan, American president Joe Biden announced, would conclude on September 11th, 2021 - the twentieth anniversary of the catalyst of the Afghan War, September 11th, 2001.

Voiceless Bliss
Maria Kholodova | 08/05/2021

Russians wake up for work, wait patiently for their lunch break, wait impatiently for the driver in front of them as their car muffles R-rated insults. Set apart by their lack...

Firwood Crossing
R. Levin | 08/05/2021

Karl Gorton lived near the end of a windswept cul de sac in Firwood. His daughter Colleen, now based in Indonesia, had gone to Bali on vacation and fallen in...

A Mother’s Strength
Irini Spyrou | 08/02/2021

She grabbed her daughter, desperate to hold her small, squirming body down. Both were exhausted, and Haila was unable to remember the last time that she had slept through the...