Racism pt6– Canada
Obzerver | 08/31/2020

As a mixed-race kid, I always had more privilege than my mom but not the same respect as my dad. I was deemed to be light enough to pass as...

Voter Suppression
Lydia Tadross Marks | 08/21/2020

The issue of voter suppression is one that lacks attention in the US, largely due to the fact that it’s sneaky and goes unnoticed. Voter suppression impacts Black Americans more...

Racism pt5– Senegal
Obzerver | 08/20/2020

In Senegal, we were taught about racism. We knew it existed. However, we thought racism as something distant that existed in Europe and was done by white people against immigrants....

Racism pt4– Fr. Guiana
Obzerver | 08/19/2020

In times of the pandemic, the main preoccupation in French Guiana is the reducing of the spread. I strongly believe that to solve a problem implies to recognize its very...

Isaiah Lowney-Piazzalunga | 08/18/2020

The small green bottle circled around, clanging against the prop-up breakfast-in-bed type table, which he’d set up next to his relatively inert and positively relaxed body. He was not exactly...

Racism – Intro
Caroline Levin | 08/14/2020

Racism is often perceived as a problem confined to the U.S. The repercussions of slavery in this country have been witnessed though an evolving light, generation after generation.

Racism pt3– U.K.
Obzerver | 08/09/2020

I felt that being black was just my “flaw”... similar to someone being picked on because they were overweight. My school, however, did raise awareness and I finally came to...

Decolonizing Curricula
Alice Derieux Chagnard | 08/05/2020

Our current education system is broken... Under the veil of patriotism, we fail to see the violent consequences of the whitewashed dominant narrative which has embedded itself within our scholarly...

BLM and P.O.C. in France
Julia Hope | 08/04/2020

The BLM movement has taken magnitude...  we’re able to be well aware that the attacks on people, the attacks on human rights committed in one country or another are well...

Housing Inequality
Elijah Glantz | 08/04/2020

Without inherited wealth, access to opportunity and right to move into thriving, more stable neighborhoods, Black wealth has remained abysmally low. Renting was rarely a choice, rather the only viable...